Silk Road forums
Support => Feature requests => Topic started by: Thedruggiedrummer on December 13, 2011, 01:14 am
sometimes I don't have enough money for all the things I want, but want to have a wish list type thing where you can save items for later and be reminded when you have enough BTC to buy them :)
I don't know about the reminder part, but i've always wanted to be able to bookmark items/sellers on site
I could see why someone might prefer to store their bookmarks on the site, particularly if they are running tails or booting from a RO system.
Asbury, how would you envision the bookmarks being implemented?
Yes, some kind of bookmarks, favorites, etc for items and for sellers too would be good.
Damn, what about like an amazon wishlist type of setup where I can send it to my mom for xmas gift ideas?
Ok, maybe not that last bit....